“Walk It Out”
For Time (10min Cap)
-5-10-15 Parallette HSPU 12”/8”
-50-100-150ft Sandbag Carry 150/100lb
-50-50-50 Heavy Double Unders
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Deviled Eggs”
(Repeat of Workout #15)
For Time [13:00 Cap]
Complete work as Desired…
-30 Bar Muscle-Up
-30 DB Snatch 50/35lbs per Hand
-300 Double Unders
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Farmer’s Daughter”
For Time [14min Cap]
-60 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-50 GHD Sit-Ups
-40 DB Lunge Steps*
-30 Toes-to-Bar
-20 DB Box Step-Up* 24/20″
-10 Rope Climbs
*50/35lb per Hand
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
see next page for more workouts