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“Iron Cross”
AMRAP 12:00
3, 6, 9, 12…
-Strict HSPU
-Deadlifts 275/185lb
*30 crossovers after each round
Please record your results.
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“Bound & Brace”
(Repeat of Workout 32)
Every 3 Minutes, Until Failure
-100 Double Unders
-5 Squat Clean 165/115lb
*add 20/10lbs every round
*you may NOT work ahead
*score is total reps
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
AMRAP 10:00
-90/70 Calorie AirBike
-50 Sandbag Squats* 150/100lb
-Max Handstand Walk**
*sandbag may be held however
**every 5ft = 1 rep
**scale to Wall Walks
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Pumpkin Hypothesis”
AMRAP 12:00
Buy-In: 66 Calorie Row
-44 Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-22 Bar-Facing Burpees
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Ring of Fire”
4 Rounds for Time
-15 Toes to Rings
-12 Box Jump Over 24/20″
-9 Thrusters 135/95lb
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“The Standard”
For Time
-30 Clean & Jerk 135/95lb
-30 Ring Muscle-Up
-30 Snatch 135/95lb
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Not Nate”
AMRAP 20:00
-2 Strict Ring Muscle-Up
-4 Wall Facing HSPU*
-7 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
*no wall walk requirement prior to rep 1
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Ladder Golf”
Every 3 Minutes x 3 Sets
-20/16 Calorie Row
-16 DB Snatch 50/35lbs
-12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Every 3 Minutes x 3 Sets
-20/16 Calorie Row
-16 DB Snatch 50/35lbs
-12 Bar Muscle-Up
*you may not work ahead
*if you make fail to make the window, your score is total reps
*if you make it to set number 6, it is For Time
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
“Hinge Party”
AMRAP 15:00
-12/9 Calorie Row
-6/6 KB Snatches (6+6) 53/35lb
-12 GHD Sit-Up
*every 3min, do 3 D-Ball Over-the-Shoulder 150/100lb
[At 0,3,6,9,12:00]
Please record your results.
[Include the Workout Name so scores don’t get “lost” in the forum.]
see next page for more workouts