Wondering how much volume you should be doing at this point in your season? Let’s dive in…
My Take on CrossFit Affiliate Programming
Want to see your members stick around for the long-haul? Keep them healthy & give them opportunities to compound small wins.
Building Squat Strength for Athletes with Cranky Knees
Learn the best way to organize training for a CrossFit Athlete who needs to get stronger, yet frequently deals with knee irritation.
Why does an Olympic Weightlifter make for a great CrossFit Athlete?
Weightlifters are known for their incredible strength, but what other qualities do they possess that gives them an advantage in the Sport of CrossFit?
Time: The Most Important Training Variable
It’s important to know your vision & goals, so you have confidence that your next step is moving you in the right direction. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and trust that putting your best effort out day after day will add up.
Assessing a CrossFit Athlete’s Strengths & Weaknesses
Use my model for athlete assessment on yourself to determine your areas of weakness and up your own game.