Learn how I balance a CrossFit athlete’s training to improve their Oly lifting maxes and row conditioning.
Powerlifting & Endurance Trail Running: Concurrent Training [Ep.129]
Learn how I balance an athlete’s training to improve their lifting maxes while doing ultra running.
Optimizing Tension in Concurrent Training [Ep.128]
Maximizing your performance in CrossFit and other mixed modal events requires excellent tension management. Learn how to manipulate yours now.
Competition Simulation Example // TFX Programming 2024 [Ep.127]
I use a real series of mock events to walk through my process for programming a CrossFit simulation for The Fittest Experience.
Programming a CrossFit Competition Simulation // Do’s & Don’ts [Ep.126]
I walk through my 5 step process for creating simulations (mock comps) for the individual design athletes I coach.
What I Look For In a Future CrossFit Games Athlete [Ep.125]
Learn what physical traits I keep an eye out for as a coach when looking for the next champion in the Sport of CrossFit.