Today Jeff and Ben dive into how programming needs to account for how strength, the aerobic system and mobility are all intertwined.
#021: Group Programming for CrossFit Athletes
Learn about how to individualize a group program using Silos, and the principals I’m using to write our new online training program: The Protocol.
#020: Listener Q&A, Season 1 Finale
I answer listener questions, ranging from Running and Assault Bike Training to CrossFit for Big & Tall Athletes and Accelerating Recovery. Tune in now!
#019: A Training Model for Recovery Sessions
Learn how to why and how to program workouts to accelerate the recovery process & ultimately be more ready when you come back for you next hard session.
#018: Designing a Mobility Program that Works
Stop wasting time stretching for hours on end with no results! Use these techniques to improve your mobility, ROM, movement quality and make progress again.
#017: Hold Your Breath
Control your breathing & improve your capacity in all workouts. Learn how utilizing breath holds in Apnea Protocols can increase your efficiency & fitness!