In this episode, Day & Ben discuss training best practices for coaches and athletes, lessons learned from competition, and advice for people who want to make fitness their full time career.
#045: Teen CrossFit Athletes: Best Coaching & Programming Practices
The Teen Divisions are the future of CrossFit. Learn how to train optimally as a Teen to maximize your fitness, performance and longevity.
#044: DJ Hillier on Asking Better Questions & Being Aggressively Curious
In this episode, Ben & DJ discuss how to optimize your time & focus to be a more effective coach, athlete & entrepreneur.
#043: Heavy Squats: Troubleshooting Movement Breakdown (with Chris Hardenberg)
In this episode, we discuss common flaws in front & back squats, the causes for these breakdowns, and how to train to minimize these errors.
#042: Mia Gianelli on Mastering Muscle-Ups & Gymnastics in CrossFit
In this episode, we discuss the best progressions, drills, and accessory movements to learn and refine both bar & ring muscle-ups for CrossFit athletes.
#041: Season 2 Finale: Listener Q&A
I answer listener questions, ranging from how to manage your breathing in MetCons to keeping your joints healthy in CrossFit to when to use Weightlifting belts. Tune in now!