What is the best way to fuel your performance in the gym while still enjoying the other important social & emotional aspects of food?
#051: Wall Balls: Improve Your Capacity
Discover the best progressions & protocols to increase your Wall Ball capacity and technique tips to improve your movement efficiency.
#050: Adam Klink: The King of Concurrent Training (Sub 5:00 Mile, 500lb Squat)
In this episode, we talk about what allowed Adam to be uniquely qualified to attempt (and succeed) in running a 4:56 Mile and back squatting 500 pounds in the same day.
#049: Build Your Gymnastics Density Capacity
The key to success in CrossFit is being able to perform big sets of high skill gymnastics under fatigue. Let’s improve your gymnastics density today.
#048: Georgia Smith on Strength & Conditioning for Grapplers (Wrestlers & BBJ Athletes)
In this episode, Georgia & Ben discuss training for grappling athletes, including off-season training, exercise selection, energy systems training and the role of a strength coach.
#047: The Benefits & Costs of Hypertrophy & Muscle Mass
Improving max strength, strength endurance, and battery are all good reason to chase increases in muscle mass, but hypertrophy can cost you in other aspects of performance.