I sit down with ZOAR Athlete Michael Melendez and his wife, Halle, to discuss how they support each other’s goals while balancing busy schedules and career goals.
#111: Building the Ideal CrossFit Athlete “From Scratch”
Learn what athletic development should look like for a child, a teen, or an athlete with a bit more experience under their belt.
#110: Coping Mechanisms for Exercise Induced Pain
How do you get mentally geared up for painful bouts of work? What strategies do you find yourself leaning on most frequently? How does it change in short vs. long workouts?
#109: Modulating Intensity in Training for CrossFit
Stop always going max effort, and learn how to regulate how hard you are going in your CrossFit Mixed Work and MetCons with these tools.
#108: Is CrossFit Dangerous? [The Great Debate]
The ZOAR Coaches discuss controversial questions like… Is competitive CrossFit healthy? Are group fitness classes best? Should everyday people compete in CrossFit?
#107: Programming Radio: MetCon Rush Comp Prep Cycle
Watch me build out programming & explain my competition prep training cycle for MetCon Rush elite division.