Show Notes
Past CrossFit Open Workouts
Open Workout 21.1
For Time
Wall Walks
Open Workout 22.1
AMRAP 15:00
-3 Wall Walk
-12 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-15 Box Jump Over 24/20″
Open Workout 23.3
For Time
-5 Wall Walks
-50 Double Unders
-15 Snatch 95/65lb
-5 Wall Walks
-50 Double Unders
-12 Snatch 135/95lb
Helpful Resources
What is your limitation?
(1) Position & Inversion Comfort
(2) Pressing Muscle Fatigue
(3) Midline Muscle Fatigue
(4) Respiratory Stress
(1) Position & Inversion Comfort
• nose to wall (hollow body position with neutral ribcage)
• stacked position takes advantage of the skeletal system
• load the upper back, trap & delt (load the skeleton)
• it’s the same reason why you miss jerks when they are in front
Step 1: Can you get into the position? (Passible ROM)
Step 2: Do you have control of that ROM? (Active ROM)
Step 3: Can you get into that position when you are inverted? (Skill Transfer)
Step 4: Do you stay in that position as you experience different types of fatigue? (Fatigue Resistance)
Sample Training Protocols
[15:00 Clock]*watch X Athlete do wall walks & perform unfatigued practice reps trying to mirror their technique as closely as possible
E45s x 20 Reps: 1 Wall Walk; for ease & comfort
*add coaches notes based on your weak points
8-12 Rounds for Quality
-20s Elevated Cat Pose; actively pulling shoulder open with the delts and pulling the ribcage down with the abs
-1 Wall Walk; pause at halfway point with both feet on the wall & drive your nose towards the wall & ensure you have an open, stacked shoulder before finishing the rep
Wall Walk (6 x 3)
*must be 4 step up, 3 steps down
*rest as needed b/w sets to perform them without resting b/w reps
Wall Walks have a long cycle speed (5-8 seconds)
This time under tension really taxes the athlete’s muscle stamina of both the pressing & midline musculature….
1- having to hold a end range lockout with the elbow
2- having to hold essentially a plank with your feet on the wall at 170bpm & hyperventilating
(2) Pressing Muscle Fatigue
• If you are dealing with an incredible amount of delt fatigue, then you are -likely- in a less efficient position, and I’d go back to step one. Chances are you head is not getting “through the hole” created by your hands fast enough and therefore you’re bleeding energy
• If you’re dealing triceps fatigue…again first go back and look at position
Sample Training Protocols
[15:00 Clock]Stretch / Mobilize Lats, T-Spine & Biceps
Perform Sets of Strength Work Requiring Terminal Elbow Extension
• Jerks, snatches, snatch balances, OH Lunges, HSW, WW, etc.
5 Sets: (rest 2:00 b/w)
-15 Calorie Ski @ 1200-1300 Cals / Hr
-3 Wall Walks
*fighting for strong elbow lockout when a hand is planted
3-5 Sets: (rest to good recovery b/w)
-5 Parallel Dip; 1s pause at top of each
-Rest 15s-
-10 DB Push Press; 1s pause at top of each
-Rest 15s-
-15 Push-Ups; AFAP
-Rest 15s-
-3-5 Wall Walk; for Quality
(3) Midline Muscle Fatigue
Sample Training Protocols
[10:00 Clock]WW Bodyline Focused Unfatigued Practice
3-5 Sets: (rest 3:00 b/w)
-500m Row @ 3k TT Pace
-5 Wall Walks
*focus on maintaining your best positions
Unfatigued Midline Work
• High Plank
• Plank with Hands on the Wall
• Kneeling Overhead Planks
• FLR Hold on Low Rings
• GHD Sit-Ups Isometric Hold at Parallel
• Barbell Rollouts
• Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs
• Inchworm Planks
3-5 Sets: (rest 3:00 b/w)
-60s AirBike @ 10:00 Test Avg. RPMs
-30s FLR Hold on Low Rings
-30s AirBike @ 10:00 Test Avg. RPMs +2-3
-3 Wall Walks – focus on maintaining your best positions
(4) Respiratory Stress
Sample Training Protocols
3 Sets: (rest 3:00 b/w on AirBike)
AMRAP 5:00 @ 85-90% Effort
-2 Wall Walk
-6 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-8 Box Jump Over 24/20″
3-5 Sets: (rest 3:00 b/w)
-500m Row @ 3k TT Pace
-5 Wall Walks
*focus on maintaining your best positions
3-4 Sets: (rest 3:00 b/w)
-30s AirBike @ 10:00 Test Avg. RPMs
-2 Wall Walks for Quality
-30s AirBike @ 10:00 Test Avg. RPMs + 5 RPMs
-2 Wall Walks for Quality
-30s AirBike @ 10:00 Test Avg. RPMs + 10 RPMs
-2 Wall Walks for Quality