Question from a Listener
Hi Ben, I have an idea for you!
I’d love to see an article about building capacity in thrusters.
It’s crazy to me. There are a lot of great articles on building Ring Muscle-Ups or Handstand Walk density, but very little about thrusters – so seems a gap worth exploring.
The reason this is so dear to my heart… I grew up doing martial arts (grappling especially) and so have a decent amount of upper body endurance. As an example, last week I hit 21 unbroken ring muscle-ups at the start of a test cycle.
However, if that sounded like a flex… here’s where I prove it’s not… I would really struggle to do 21 Thrusters. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever done 21 thrusters unbroken. My max wallballs is around about the 35 mark. In the 21.3 workout I was breaking up the sets of 15 front squats and thrusters in the second and third sets.
Anyway, it’s just an idea. I’ve asked on Reddit and I’ve Googled quite a bit over the years and beyond a wall ball episode I can’t find anything on building capacity in the thruster.
I know you love analyzing and breaking stuff down, so thought I’d suggest it 🙂
Best wishes,
Sample Training Pieces
Example 1: Hip-Centric Strength Focus
5 Sets:
-3 Front Squat – 3s lower – 80%
-Rest 20s-
-8 Thrusters @ 135/95lb
(rest 3:00)
Example 2: Thruster + Hanging Gymnastics
4 Sets:
-1:00 Row @ 2k Pace
-40% of CTB Rep Max (30 reps = 12)
-15 Thrusters 95/65lb
*rest 4:00 on AB b/w sets
Example 3: MetCon with Pressing Interference
[At 0:00]For Time // 9-6-3
-Thruster 115/85lb [At 10:00]
For Time
-4-4-4 Wall Walk
-4-6-8 Thruster 115/85lb [At 20:00]
For Time // 15-12-9
-Bar-Facing Burpee
-Thruster 95/65lb